Frequently Asked Questions


Who are your typical clients?

We asked Ryzio’s founders, who have been leading similar programs for decades: “We can honestly say we have people of all ages and all walks of life, both male and female. From athletes to entrepreneurs, from corporate executives to life coaches, and from emergency care professionals to actors and entertainers, the program is for anyone who wants more in life and is motivated to change. Also, these are often people who are called to make a difference in the world.”

Does Ryzio have a particular approach?

Ryzio’s approach is based on the latest research breakthroughs in neuroscience, Polyvagal Theory, mindfulness, attachment and trauma, together with traditional and leading-edge practices provided by skilled professionals. We use science-based experiential and applied methods to help you move from where you are to where you want to be. You will learn how to live beyond old programming that may be holding you back, gain skills to calm anxiety, confidence to step into more of who you truly are and bring your gifts into the world. You’ll begin to master tools to help you gain confidence, create more meaningful relationships and be more successful in every area of your life.

How is Ryzio different from other programs?

The latest research from a number of disciplines tells us that in order to change our lives we must do more than learn concepts. We must go beyond ideas and thinking. We must actually experience who we are and what is possible. All the Ryzio programs are based in experience. These include experiences of safety, self-awareness and self-care.

Where can I read more about this?

Here’s an overview of our philosophy from our founders, Ken Bruer and Dr. Marti Glenn. Then try this article and this article, to start. You can also listen to a podcast from Dr. Glenn here.

Do you recommend taking your three programs in sequence?

It is not necessary to take the three programs in sequence. Some people only take one or two of our offerings, and each program may be taken several times.
During our current time of social distancing, we may not be able to offer the 3-Month Experience for a while, and the shorter programs are offered exclusively as virtual experiences.

3-Hour: Leadership Development

Ok, so tell me about the Ryzio 3-Hour program

The Ryzio Leadership Development Experience is offered both virtually and in person. The virtual sessions take place on Zoom and last for an entire 3 hours with a mid-session break.

In this 3-hour process, join fellow travelers ready to align themselves with purpose and experience more love and meaningful connection. You will learn what has held you back and some specific science-based tools to help you calm your nervous system and connect more fully with your True Self. This allows you to ignite your power and tap into love. More Information

In-person sessions are currently suspended.

What does it cost?

The fee for this experience is $99 USD. If you subsequently take the 3-Day Experience, you may roll this fee over as a discount on that fee.

How many people attend each session?

We have room for up to 45 participants.

When is the next session?

Most 3-Hour sessions are with private groups, scheduled for the convenience of the group or team. Any available 3-Hour Ignite with Love Experience sessions would appear on the BOOK NOW page. If you have additional questions or would like to explore setting up a session for your group, please Contact Us.

3-Day: Activate Your Potential

Ok, so tell me about the Ryzio 3-Day program

The Ryzio Activate Your Potential Experience is offered both virtually and in person. The virtual experiences take place on Zoom over a 3-day period, totaling 10 hours.

Here you will begin to free yourself from anything that prevents you from loving deeply, develop meaningful connections and learn to live a life of compassion and purpose. You will gain simple, science-backed tools to help you to stay on course and activate the power of authentic love.

During our time together you will also have an opportunity to explore a personal stumbling block or goal and you will leave with some tools and a specific plan to continue integrating and growing your gifts.

What does it cost?

The fee for this experience is $749. If you subsequently take the 6-Month Experience, you may roll this fee over as a discount on that fee.

How many people attend each session?

Our enrollment is limited by the number of coaches leading the session. Typically in the virtual experience, 2 coaches would work with 8 participants; similarly, 3 coaches would work with 12 participants.

When is the next session?

Scheduled sessions vary. For the most up-to-date 3-Hour Ignite with Love Experience sessions, see the BOOK NOW page. If you have additional questions please Contact Us for more information.

Why wouldn't I take this program several times instead of moving on to the 6-Month program?

Each program offers unique experiences, many of which build on each other. As with any meaningful endeavor we undertake, we need to map the territory, gather skills and tools and then actually experience the full journey. We are happy to speak with you privately about your particular desires and needs. Call (877) 642-5656 to schedule a FREE consultation.

6-Month: Embodied Leadership

Ok, so tell me about the Ryzio 6-Month program

The Ryzio Embodied Leadership Experience includes:

  • An initial private coaching session to help you clarify your goals and provide resources for our journey together
  • Ten learning modules that contain audio and video content, guided processes, handouts, and other resources that walk you through science-backed transformational experiences
  • Eleven group Zoom meetings to discuss these materials, deepen and integrate the meaningful experiences
  • Eleven private coaching sessions
  • Two small-group virtual weekend workshops where you will have the opportunity to explore personal issues and experience your inner wisdom and unique gifts

What does it cost?

Your investment for the Ryzio 6-Month Experience is $9,500. We offer a deep discount for registration 30 days in advance of the program and payment plans are available. (Call (707) 322-4626 for more information)

Is taking the 3-Hour and/or 3-Day Experience(s) a prerequisite to enrolling in this program?

No, you may enroll in our 6-Month Experience without doing any prior work with Ryzio. We would be glad to discuss your situation with you to assist you in deciding which program is best for you. Call (877) 642-5656 to schedule a FREE consultation.

If you do take the 3-Hour or 3-Day Experience, you may roll over that fee as a discount on the 6-Month fee.

How many people attend each session?

We keep our groups as small as possible, usually under 16 participants. Up to seven coaches are on hand for a full session. We maintain a client-to-coach ratio of three to one to ensure that everyone has plenty of individual time with his or her personal coach.

When is the next session?

See home page for current course offerings and dates with links to all the related course information and sign-up links.

Additional Ryzio Programs

Do you offer individual coaching?

Each of our coaches is available for individual work. You can request a particular coach or, if you prefer, we will suggest one who will best fit your needs. You can invest in a single session to get started, or if you like, there are also packages.

Contact Us for more information or to schedule your FREE initial consultation.

Do you offer couples counseling?

Our Ryzio coaches have decades of experience in objectively guiding all members of a relationship back to healthy, meaningful connections. Genuine safety, caring and love is what we all want and need, and what is possible with this special work. We customize programs based on your individual needs. Contact Us to learn more.

Do you offer programs that I might bring to my business?

Yes, we can tailor programs to your needs and offer them virtually, in-person either at your company or another venue. More information here.